
Service fees
TypeTrade-TokensReal money
Deposit fees
Cashout fees

VAT is included in all our sales and withdrawal fees

Conversion fee of 1.5% from EUR-USD and USD-EUR may apply

SWIFT withdrawals to and from the following countries are not supported: Russia, Egypt, Afghanistan, Burundi, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Libya, Mali, Myanmar/Burma, Nicaragua, Zimbabwe, Federal Republic of Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Syria, Venezuela, Central African Republic, and Pakistan.

Additional charges may be incurred by your payment provider when making withdrawals via IBAN (SEPA). If you choose to go the SWIFT transaction route, your bank may also levy extra fees. We recommend reaching out to your bank or payment provider in advance to gather comprehensive details regarding these associated charges. Kindly note that we are not accountable for these fees, and it's worth mentioning that the potential fees can differ based on your account's currency, transaction volume, and any contractual agreements you may have established with your bank.